You have reached the website of Ian Morrison, author and futurist. Ian is an internationally known consultant and speaker specializing in the future of healthcare and the changing business environment. This website provides information about Ian, as well as his clients, books, editorials, and more.

Latest Editorials

Ian Morrison – In Memoriam

Honoring the legacy of Ian.

Hospital Systems: A Framework for Maximizing Social Benefit

Mar 21, 2022• 0 By JEFF GOLDSMITH and IAN MORRISON Hospital consolidation has risen to the top of the health policy stack. David Dranove and Lawton Burns argued in their recent Big Med:  Megaproviders and the High Cost of Health Care in America (Univ of Chicago Press, 2021) that hospital consolidation has produced neither cost savings from “economies of […]

My 22 Oldest Jokes and Why they Still Matter in 2022

I have been studying American healthcare for more than 40 years and I have assembled a large number of one-liners over the years. As we enter 2022, I thought I’d share my 22 oldest jokes and why they still matter. Coming to America I grew up in Glasgow, Scotland.  In Glasgow, healthcare is a right, carrying […]