This episode of “The THCB Gang” is up here as a video (you could also see it live at 1PT/4ET every Thursday) and it’s also preserved as a weekly podcast and available on our Itunes & Spotify channels a day or so later. Each week 4-6 semi-regular guests drawn from THCB authors and other assorted old friends of mine will talk about health care business, politics, practice, and tech. It should be fun but serious and informative!
This week, joining me was Michael Millenson (@MLMillenson), Grace Cordovano (@GraceCordovano), Vince Kuraitis (@VinceKuraitis), Brian Klepper (@bklepper1) Ian Morrison (@seccurve) & Anish Koka (@anish_koka). A fun and argumentative discussion about where the COVID-19 crisis is right now and what it’s going to mean both now and in the near future