Archive for the ‘Health Affairs’ Category

Health Systems Made A Big Difference In The COVID Fight: Time To Reconsider Their Social Impact

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021

This Health Affairs Blog post describes some of the ways in which health systems, particularly larger systems, have effectively addressed COVID’s challenges.

It Ain’t Necessarily So: The Cost Implications Of Health Care Reform

Thursday, September 1st, 1994


There is widespread recognition that U.S. health care costs are out of line with those of the rest of the world and acceptance in most quarters that this is hurting someone-if not America’s competitive position, then at least the U.S. workers who are having to give up wages (and probably a few jobs).

Health Reform Lessons Learned From Physicians In Three Nations

Wednesday, September 1st, 1993


Many experts and political figures contend that the Clinton administration’s proposed health care reform plan could be vastly improved if it resembled more closely the national health plans found in Canada and Germany.

Satisfaction With Health Systems In Ten Nations

Friday, June 1st, 1990


Amid growing dissatisfaction with its health care system, the United States is increasingly looking abroad for insights into health system reform.